Soldiers, Expenditures and Debts of the European Countries

7 June 1883

The strengths of the European armies in peace as well as war time are shown in the following table:

CountryPeacetime strengthWartime strength
Belgium 46,575 108,420
Denmark 17,000 50,000
Germany 427,274 1,700,000
France 498,483 1,200,000
England 188,500 595,000
Greece 54,900 200,000
Italy 210,000 1,900,000
Netherlands 65,000 105,000
Austria 284,000 1,160,000
Portugal 28,000 78,000
Romania 23,770 70,000
Russia 970,000 2,619,000
Sweden-Norway 59,000 252,700
Switzerland 116,000 208,000
Serbia 25,000 250,000
Spain 94,000 134,000
Turkey 160,000 610,000
Total 3,268,402 11,149,120

Naturally this table is only approximate. And that’s true for the following table of the annual expenditures and the debts of the same countries, namely:

CountryExpenditureDebt Burden
(million dollars)(million dollars)
England 947 5,289
Greece 22 85
Italy 441 2,009
Netherlands 110 487
Austria 467 2,426
Romania 24 101
Russia 388 2,363
Sweden-Norway 34 96
Switzerland 13 71
Spain 154 1,922
Turkey ? ?
Total 3,936 25,398

According to these figures the debt burden of the European countries is about $100 per person and nevertheless these same ones always pump away where only money is available and with every year the interest burden on the debts become heavier. What will come of this in a few years if one country after the other finds it necessary to declare bankruptcy?

What a benefit for our country that we evidently don’t need a standing army!
